"I am an idealistic, naive, passionate, truth-seeking, spiritually motivated artist, unschooled in the science of law and finance." --Wesley Snipes

Friday, June 04, 2004

On Turning 32

I’m at least as powerful as two sixteen
year old girls and nearly as pretty as one of them.

So what if July only comes once a year
and lasts too long?

So what if she used to be a dancer and now
polishes brass for the Polish police?


I’m half as smart as the dumpy guy
with mussy hair and three indie records.
He’s married, but I have more heart.

I’m tired of smelling like salt, sick
of being fat-soluble. The strangest things
collect in the bottom of the tub.


I’m a B-list everything but at least I look good
from a certain angle. No, not that one.

My heart fell off my polo shirt some time back,
Along with the alligator.

I can spare a lower intestine, though. Return
Your cross-continental phone call?

There’s some shit even this broken man
won’t wade through.


The one who shares my day, who lent
me a slim volume—she’s pretty,
but so are the stars.

That must be the point.
I don’t look up enough.
She has the kindest face.

1 comment:

Reen said...

Hey! Good poem! Let's do the 32-dance! It's a lot like the hustle...doo de doo, de doo doo de doo doo...