"I am an idealistic, naive, passionate, truth-seeking, spiritually motivated artist, unschooled in the science of law and finance." --Wesley Snipes

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Proof that I haven't Always Been this Corpulent:

The author, circa Summer, 1997 in his house on 893 W. 5th Ave


Laurel said...

Dude! We should start a new blog, jointly, and call it, "When we were skinny." We could use it to post pictures of us when we looked really foxy. Other people would join us. Then we could all write poems about how hot we all were. I went to the doctor's this week, and they weighed me. Ugh.

Anthony Robinson said...

Laurel! that's a good idea. I'm for it. Let's ready the foxy pix.