"I am an idealistic, naive, passionate, truth-seeking, spiritually motivated artist, unschooled in the science of law and finance." --Wesley Snipes

Monday, November 15, 2004

Guess Who's Nominated for a Pushcart?

It seems that some ladies named Reb and Molly liked one o' my pomes enuff to nominate it fer one of them there prizes. Aw shucks.

The pome in question.

Can I get a woo? Can I get a woo-hoo? Can I get someone to buy me a beer?


shanna said...

to tony, go tony. congratulations!

Reen said...

W00t! Congratumalations!

Anonymous said...

I'll buy you a beer as soon as we're in the same place.

Anonymous said...


Congrats! You are awesome. We oughtta talk soon. Now, I must get back to work.

I'm reading a bio of Mishima. It is really good. We should start a private army.



Heidi Lynn Staples said...

pushcartwhooohooos and pushcartwheeeeeeels and pushcartelations to ye!