"I am an idealistic, naive, passionate, truth-seeking, spiritually motivated artist, unschooled in the science of law and finance." --Wesley Snipes

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Bits & Pieces

This morning I managed to shave my head without shaving off part of my left eyebrow. First time in a long time! I did nick the skin behind my left ear, however.


Finally got Limewire. Haven't had much luck downloading anything though. Stupid dial-up.


Andy Larsen, Liquor Store employee, family man, and former lead singer and guitarist for the terrible Eugene band "Blasphemous Abnormality" recorded a homemade solo disc a few years ago. I've begun listening to it and it's strangely growing on me. I don't have the actual disk, though, so I don't know the names of the songs. They're on my iTunes as "andy1," "andy2," etc. "andy3" is a pretty good track.


I was gonna post a photograph of a New Sincerist in his or her undies on here. I decided against it. If you would like to protest my decision, fill the comment box.


In other local music news, try really hard if you can to find music by Ezra Holbrook and Lael Alderman/Lael Leroy. Two dynamite artists who got fucked over by the corporate music goons in the late nineties. I still listen to their gorgeous records. We should start a revival. If you want a disk, send me postage and I'll make you a CD. Offer limited (at this time) to the first five respondents.


No exciting coffee girl news today.


The Tiny is f'ing great! Get it!


Call for poems! Send me one poem of yours (published or unpublished) to the Gmail account. Do it today. You have until 5 pm. The best poem (or the one I like best, at least) will go up on Poetry Less Than Daily.


Speaking of Less Than Daily, a new poem by Maggie Nelson is up. The poem was originally published in The Tiny.


gina said...

Hey Tony, thanks for plugging the tiny. Also thanks for not putting the picture up. You have made the right decision.

Steven D. Schroeder said...

I would send something for PLD, but I don't know your Gmail address. :-(

Mara said...

Awww... you did a nice job on your shiney little pate....

::looks around::

Where's the turtle wax?? ::grin::

Steven D. Schroeder said...

Hahaha, I'm blind.

gina said...

Only naked is more sincere. Don't put that picture up either.