"I am an idealistic, naive, passionate, truth-seeking, spiritually motivated artist, unschooled in the science of law and finance." --Wesley Snipes

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Lazy Summer Chronicles, Installment 1

Woke up just before ten. Showered, got coffee.

Did dishes. Biked to campus, dropped off paperwork. Biked home. Flat tire halfway home. Large sliver of glass in rear tire.

Fixed tire. Watched first 20 minutes of "The Lonely Guy." Laughed.

Went to Safeway. Bought: yogurt, tortillas, fruit juices, one cantaloupe, pita, hummus, paper towels.

Came home. Ate bean burrito. Developed heartburn as a result.

Lay on couch. Read a Joshua Beckman book.

Revised Ms. #1 for the trillionth time.

Felt sleepy.


gina said...

How was it? The Beckman, I mean.

Jordan said...

Who's Ms. Number One?