"I am an idealistic, naive, passionate, truth-seeking, spiritually motivated artist, unschooled in the science of law and finance." --Wesley Snipes

Friday, August 26, 2005

My Mom Is Cuter Than You

I really don't mind being written about, pro or con, but I just wish that my supporters/detrctors would take care to write prose that makes some sort of sense:

It's the quarrying I quarrel with with Tony, and the polishing. He objects to my suggesting his "planks" need "sanding" (as opposed to some lesser poet's fabricated fibreglass board needing waxing — do I smell an MFA?) when what I mean to suggest is that one can not have one without the other, real marble hand-selected AND (imagine this as google search) real, educated (in the small-e James Baldwin sense) hand-polishing. Why? Well, in order to produce the "masterpiece", the fine art object instilling shock 'n' awe upon its host so that he frees the slave who produced it.


Lorna Dee Cervantes said...

Yes she is. Just wishful thinking. It's your dad who's hunky, in a "Sherman" kinda way. I'm just jealous.

But okay, point is, she's a dead ringer for my peddle-pushing aunt. Bien India.

Great foto, btw. It's nice to see pics of people who adore each other.

Kinda like you 'n' Andy, eh?

Peace On.

A. J. Patrick Liszkiewicz said...


Anthony Robinson said...

You know, I've been on the market for a new scratching post for some time...

andy mr. said...

I don't know if Lorna Dee is trying to say we are gay, but I *do* adore you, Tony.

Unknown said...

T-Rob, are you and Andy registered anywhere? I'd love to send you a fabulous flower arrangement for your engagement present.

[with enough lube, all things are possible]
