"I am an idealistic, naive, passionate, truth-seeking, spiritually motivated artist, unschooled in the science of law and finance." --Wesley Snipes

Monday, February 13, 2006

Jim Croce GRE Question (Analytical)

Please explain this:

"If I had a box just for wishes and dreams that had never come true
the box would be empty except for the memory of how they were answered by you."


Anthony Robinson said...

Because, see, if the box is for wishes and dreams that don't come true, why does it contain a "memory" of how the unanswered wishes became answered? That's a conundrum.

Susan Denning said...

"The memory of how they were answered by you" is a wish that has never come true. so it gets put in the box which is empty except for it contains a memory of how she answered his dreams. except the box is supposed to be for wishes and dreams that have never come true. so how can he be satisfied if the memory is in the box?

it's a zen koan!

or a passive agressive complaint about his girlfriend. "you never give me anything I REALLY want".

I prefer to think - he just has one box, he needed somewhere to put his memories of how she answered his dreams and wishes, so he puts the memories in the box that he USED to use for dreams that had never come true, because now it's empty so it can be used for memories of how his dreams were answered.

so he's changed the purpose of his box because he's in love.

this happens all the time in pop songs, especially pop songs of the '70's. i.e, "Brandy You're a Fine Girl".

Try to figure out who is guilty of murder in "The Night The Lights Went Out in Georgia". That will keep you up for DAYS.

A. J. Patrick Liszkiewicz said...

[enter MORON (AJPL), stage left]

I think this is only a connundrum if we assume these two things:

1.) Time is linear.
2.) When writing this, Croce was sober.

The first seems more and more unlikely (or so smart physicists have told me). Too, as with Althusser, perhaps his act of confessing his impotence (with regard to the past) will enable him to confront the oppressive weight of possible futures. His anxiety, etc.--functions of this inaction--is compounded by his awareness of the power he actually has. While he cannot make a wish come true, he can at least try--now that he knows what that wish is.

... OR...

Croce was really, really wasted. Personally, this seems the more plausible of the two options.

It should be said that the two possibilities are not mutually exclusive... especially because Croce, even dead, could kick my ass.


Stuart Greenhouse said...

My first thought is Lacan (not that it was Croce's), but I like A.J.'s two thoughts better.

NEG said...

You are all wrong. The answer is: there never seems to be enough time to do the things you want to do once you've found them...

Anonymous said...

This is an easy one.

The box for wishes and dreams has a Post-it note (AKA Memory) that says this box has been emptied by my lady friend.