"I am an idealistic, naive, passionate, truth-seeking, spiritually motivated artist, unschooled in the science of law and finance." --Wesley Snipes

Friday, January 26, 2007

Slight melancholy today. Despite the clock's insistence that it is 8:48, it looks like dusk out my office window. Winter does this to me. Language can't fix it. Vocabulary only gives more words with which to whine. Speaking of wine, I could use some.


The burden is mine, born with the obligation to design real-life connections. The gap is so wide.

--M. Watt.


I keep having the same dream. It irks me.


I just read Betsy's long poem for the third time. It's really good.


January makes me feel isolated, no matter if people are around. I wish I were better at staying in bed. Because I'd stay there. I'd write a teenage epic.


Coffee used to taste better than it does. What's up with that? It can't be me, can it? I think something strange is afoot in the coffee-growing regions of the world. Or we can just blame it on the Sinister Coffee Co. I have a cup of their brew in front of me right now, and contrary to the notice, it is not, nor has it ever been, extremely hot.


Now playing: "It's the end of the world as we know it" live acoustic version. And I'm not so sure I feel fine. One time I thought Peter Buck was going to punch my brother.


Recommended: Chris Cornell's cover of "Billie Jean." This reminds me--I was in two different bars the other night: Max's and Tiny Tavern. In BOTH bars, we heard Thriller in its entirety. Was it some sort of special occasion?


I have an eye doctor appointment next week. I'm going to re-up on the contacts and get my first pair of glasses in years. Any frame recommendations?


The front office is dim and quiet. Kim is running on too much coffee. Carrie actually sort of smiled when I came in to get water.


Now playing: "Half Past France" John Cale. Paris 1919 is a very wintry record, though I always associate it with summer and the desert. Visions of Lemoore, California dance in my head. Make them stop!


Is Joshua Beckman's "Block Island" the best long poem of our generation? I sometimes think it is. But then there's Mister's "Liner Notes." But is LN really a "poem"? I'm not really sure.


Okay, so the little book has been out for over two months. How many reviews? Zip.


"Praise God and eat your daily bread."


My new favorite way to pass time at work.


Last night I watched The Girl Next Door. Suprisingly watchable for what looks like a standard teen sex farce.


In other news I've been playing my first video game since the summer of 2003: Civilization IV. My empire consists of such storied ancient cities as Molnar and Lok Yaun.


Escovedo update: With These Hands continues to grow on me.


Is it okay to live life in a permanent state of semi-disappointment? Where are you Manic Episode?


I think my next long poem is going to be written in Skeltonics, a la Phyllyp Sparowe.


Why does Neil Young sing of "lorries" in "Don't Let It Bring You Down"? Do they say "lorry" in Canada? Here in the good ol' US we call them trucks!


I'm going to name my next manuscript English Sixteenth-Century Verse. Either that or Tost's Miscellany.


"You are sleeping off your demons when I come home." --John Darnielle


"Alone in my room, I am the last of a lost civilization." --John Darnielle

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