"I am an idealistic, naive, passionate, truth-seeking, spiritually motivated artist, unschooled in the science of law and finance." --Wesley Snipes

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Good News, Bad News

Good: There's a tiny restaurant in P-town called Good Dog, Bad Dog. It serves an astonishgly delicious array of housemade sausages with lots of fixin's. And beer. I could really use one about now. A dog, that is. And a beer.


Bad News is this: I can't figure out why the dang pictures are no longer loading on the ol' blog. Can anyone help?? The DJ in a tutu pic is killer, and so is the one of me in a pimp hat. Or so I think.


Good News is this: I have a new favorite CD. Arto Lindsay's "Salt." It's a semi-Brazilian half-English half-Portuguese soothing but bouncy pop thing. Good for what ails ya.


Bad News: the dissertation is coming along slowly. I managed nine pages this week, drawing broad connections between African American poetry movements, Lyrical Ballads, and Paul Goodman's notion of the avant-garde as community-based practice. But, I feel like I'm saying nothing interesting or new. Blah.


Good News: Lucky Error was a "strong semi-finalist" for the 2004 Kathryn Morton Prize. Huzzah. On the other hand, I need to move beyond this "semi" phase/rut I seem to be stuck in.


Bad News: no further weight loss. I've kept off the four pounds I mysteriously lost, however. Alas, I am still obese. Probably because I keep doing things like eating at Good Dog Bad Dog and indulging in malted barley much too frequently.


Good News: Aaron T. of fishblog turned me on to the coolest game ever: The Kingdom of Loathing. My character is a Sauceror. I have a saucepan and several other neat items. I've beaten up my share of Orcish hobos so far.


Good News: Julie Dill's blog is now way prettier than it used to be. She's also posting more frequently. Yay. I'm a big fan of Ms. Dill.

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