"I am an idealistic, naive, passionate, truth-seeking, spiritually motivated artist, unschooled in the science of law and finance." --Wesley Snipes

Monday, October 25, 2004

Apparently the terrorists are winning. In a big way.

I'll comfort myself by assuming that everyone who wanted to come to John Cale with me was just too busy to write the demanding essay.

Oh, and I know some of you know this already, but I don't like that "Anonymous" shit.
(See comment box in the other post).


Katica said...

My dear sweet Antonio! I would sign up as a candidate in your contest to win a date, but it's on a Monday night...and I am in Portland. Ask me on a weekend and I am all yours!

Anonymous said...

Hi Tony! This is Ashley. I'm not sure how to set this up so my name appears... Anyway, I just saw your invitation to John Cale, and I don't know if I have time to write an essay, but I'd go gladly if you haven't given up on the idea yet! I once had a dream about John Cale where he showed up at my door with a bag of "gourmet burritos." I have no fucking clue what that means or why he was in my dream... but when I opened the bag the burritos looked and smelled more like oversized gluesticks.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tony! This is Ashley. I'm not sure how to set this up so my name appears... Anyway, I just saw your invitation to John Cale, and I don't know if I have time to write an essay, but I'd go gladly if you haven't given up on the idea yet! I once had a dream about John Cale where he showed up at my door with a bag of "gourmet burritos." I have no fucking clue what that means or why he was in my dream... but when I opened the bag the burritos looked and smelled more like oversized gluesticks.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Tony - It's Tamara (although I do like the way "anonymous" sounds). Some thoughts on why I should be your "date" to John Cale:

1) I've managed to squeeze in lots of fun almost every other night of the typical week, but Monday has been tragically overlooked.
2) Going out Monday will allow me to postpone grading papers until at least Tuesday afternoon.
3) My last "date" involved a Renaissance Faire. It needs to stop being the last "date" I went on.
4) I'm trying to become as punk-rock (or at least as cool) as Hannah. This may be the first step.

So let me know - I'm sure the competition is stiff, but I've done my best. I think I may have blown the 50-word limit, though...

Anthony Robinson said...

commandonando, you are welcome to come! you are more than invited to come! please come. all of you.

everyone is invited.

Anthony Robinson said...


Your essay was great, but Ashley submitted earlier. That said, everyone is invited. Hannah is coming, too, so you can be just as cool as she is.


Anonymous said...

So I'm reading commandonando's blog and she said she wrote an essay to go see John Cale. I cannot find her essay, was it naughty?