"I am an idealistic, naive, passionate, truth-seeking, spiritually motivated artist, unschooled in the science of law and finance." --Wesley Snipes

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

ha-yom sheli

In the mail today: a check from Gulf Coast. Huzzah! I didn't even know they paid!


Today's run: 4.something miles from my house on 17th Ave. to 40th Ave. in the South Hills, back through Tugman Park and Amazon Park, hitting side trails all the way, and finishing in front of South Eugene High School on 19th Ave. Temperature: 39 Fahrenheit. Good run. I predict I'll be down to my fighting weight by this spring.


Tonight's baking: rustic apple tarts con cajeta (homemade!), pumpkin cheesecake with pecan crust.

My savory contribution to Turkey Day:

* Pinto beans cooked with ancho chile, tomatoes, garlic, thyme, and chorizo.

* Asparagus en estilo Hindley: con soy sauce y mantequilla y ajo. Despite the soy, it doesn't taste Asian, but rich and roasty.


My dissertation advisor threw down the gauntlet yesterday. I don't know if I'm up to the challenge.


RL said...

Wait -- you've upped the anty from walking to running?!? Fuck, I better hop to it. I don't want to put you in the precarious position of having to hang with the fat chick at AWP. Not if you're going to be svelte.

Anonymous said...

-holy crap. beans sound freakin awesome!
-Say hi to your fam for me.
-When I sautee onions in rendered bacon fat tomorrow, I will think fondly of you.
-LOST was awesome. you're totally missin out, dude.
-bert just called me from the Gwen Stefani concert.
-I bought shoes today
-te quiero.
-comic will be 'published' hopefully friday
-I probably should have emailed you all this instead of filling up your comment box. es la vida...

A. J. Patrick Liszkiewicz said...

Hmmm... you want I should hit 'im wit my gauntlet, Tony?